Embryonic Stem Cell Medium Ref: 52-TX-WES ES culture medium To maintain ES cells in a pluripotent state, it is important to refeed the ES cells daily with fresh stem cell medium. Traditional stem cell culture medium is a mix of DMEM, FBS and some additional compounds like LIF and other growing factors, non-essential amino acids, sodium pyruvate, glutamine, ß-mercapto-ethanol, Penicillin/Streptomycin,…
Unique characteristic of the TX-WES cell culture medium: The TX-WES medium is a LIF-free medium, which allows the derivation of ES cell lines from inbred strains other than 129 and the rescue of traditional ES cell lines that started drifting.
The efficiency of ES cell derivation is greatly strain dependent. Very few ES cell lines are currently available from inbred strains (mostly C57Bl/6) other than the 129 strains, and those have generally been obtained with low success rates. Furthermore, ES cells derived from other strains than 129 are in general more difficult to propagate in vitro. Especially at high passage number and after genetic manipulation, they can generate chimeras less efficiently, and they contribute less frequently to the germline. The TX-WES medium enables the efficient derivation and maintenance in culture of ES cell lines in several inbred mouse strains, including certain strains that were previously considered to be non-permissive for ES cell derivation.
In addition, the TX-WES cell medium has the capacity to rescue traditional ES cell lines that started drifting and only generate low percentage chimeras or have lost germ line transmission capability. Differentiation which is present in the cells, but not visible with traditional medium, will become recognisable with the TX-WES cell medium: after 2 passages, a clear difference is seen between differentiated and undifferentiated ES cells, and at that moment, a subcloning can be performed according to the Thromb-X procedure to pick out the undifferentiated cells.
Other characteristics of the TX-WES cell culture medium: • The TX-WES medium is 'ready-to-use' . Only add sterile L-glutamine (200mM |