Carboxyfluorescein FLICA Assays for Detection of
Caspase Activity
The central component of apoptosis is a
cascade of proteolytic enzymes called caspases. These enzymes participate in
a series of reactions that are triggered in response to pro-apoptotic
signals and result in the cleavage of protein substrates, causing the
disassembly of the cell1.
FLICA Apoptosis Detection Kits use a novel
approach to detect active caspases. The methodology is based on a
Fluorochrome Inhibitor of Caspases (FLICA). Once inside the cell, the FLICA
inhibitor binds covalently to the active caspase2. These
inhibitors are cell permeable and non-cytotoxic. For detection using green
fluorescence, a carboxyfluorescein-labeled fluoromethyl ketone peptide
inhibitor of caspases is used.
A |
B |
Figure 1. Suspension cells were incubated with 1 mM staurosporine for 3
hours at 377C to induce apoptosis. Cells were then labeled with
FAM-VAD-FMK (a generic FLICA probe which binds to many activated
caspases) for 60 minutes at 377C. Cells were washed, then Hoechst stain
was added and the cells were incubated for 5 minutes. Wet-mount slides
were prepared and 2 photos were taken of the same cells. Caspase
activity on the left (photo A) was detected using a band pass filter
(excitation at 488 nm, emission at 520 nm). Nuclear staining by Hoechst
stain on the right (photo B) was revealed using a UV-filter (excitation
at 365 nm, emission at 480 nm). |
In Figure 1, photo A, only one cell appears
green it is apoptotic and stained positive for poly caspase activity with
the FAM-VAD-FMK reagent. The other cell, which is not visible, did not bind
to the reagent and therefore is not apoptotic. The same cells, photographed
at right under a different wavelength for Hoechst stain, appear blue. The
cell in the top right of photo B (which appears green in photo A) has a very
brightly stained nucleus its DNA is condensing in the cell, a sign it is
dying. The cell in the bottom left of photo B (which is not visible in photo
A) does not have a brightly stained nucleus, therefore it is neither
apoptotic nor necrotic.
Slee, E. A., C. Adrain, and S. J. Maritin. 1999.
Serial Killers: ordering caspase activation events in apoptosis.Cell
Death and Differ. 6:1067-1074.
Ekert, P. G., J. Silke and D. L. Vaux. 1999.
Caspase inhibitors. Cell Death and Differ. 6:1081-1086.
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