CometAssay™ Control Cells
Trevigen’s CometAssay™ Control Cells are a set of cell preparations containing
different levels of DNA damage to be used with Trevigen’s CometAssay™ Kits. In a
typical comet assay, electrophoresis methods and differences in cell
preparations create
a significant source of variation in comet tail parameters. Such variation
makes it difficult to compare results between laboratories, and even within the
lab. To overcome this problem, Trevigen scientists developed a set of stable
cell populations containing incremental levels of DNA damage for use when
the CometAssay™. These control cells, when electrophoresed in the CometAssay™,
consistently produce comets with predetermined percents of DNA in the tails. The
healthy control cell population (CC0) was treated with Etoposide under various
conditions to increase the amount of damage in populations CC1, CC2, and CC3,
respectively. These cryopreserved control cells are designed to act as standards
compare alkaline electrophoresis methods between individual users and
Damage Measurement for Control Cells

Ordering Information:
CometAssayTM Controls
4256-010-CC ControlAssay™ Control Cells
Related Products:
CometAssayTM Kits
4250-050-K CometAssayTM Kit
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4254-200-K CometAssayTM Silver Staining Kit
4252-040-K CometAssayTM HT Sample Kit
4253-096-K CometAssayTM Kit 96 Wells
CometAssayTM Slides
4250-050-03 CometSlideTM (2-well slide) 25 slides
4250-200-03 CometSlideTM (2-well slide) 100 slides
4250-500-01 CometAssayTM HT Slide (20 well slide) 25 slides
4250-02K-01 CometAssayTM HT Slide (20 well slide) 100 slides
4253-960-03 96-Well CometSlideTM (96 well slide) 10 slides
4253-02K-03 96-Well CometSlideTM (96 well slide) 20 slides
4253-10K-03 96-Well CometSlideTM (96 well slide) 100 slides