Rabbit polyclonal anti- : 3-Phosphoinositide-Dependant Protein Kinase-1 (PDK-1) Format: Aff.Pur. Host/Source: Rabbit Isotype: N/A Clone: N/A Unit: 100ug Catalog: K59461R 5-Methyl Cytosine (5-MeC) Format: Purified Host/Source: Sheep Isotype: N/A Clone: N/A Unit: 0.25mg Catalog: K20140S Activating Transcription Factor 1 (ATF-1); N-terminal Format: Purified Host/Source: Sheep Isotype: N/A Clone: N/A Unit: 0.25mg Catalog: K20101R Activating Transcription Factor 2 (ATF-2); N-terminal Format: Purified Host/Source: Sheep Isotype: N/A Clone: N/A Unit: 0.25mg Catalog: K20102R Annexin II monomer (p36, lipocortin II, calpactin I) Format: Purified Host/Source: Rabbit Isotype: N/A Clone: N/A Unit: 100ug Catalog: K80100R Annexin VI (p70, lipocortin VI, calcimedin) Format: Purified Host/Source: Rabbit Isotype: N/A Clone: N/A Unit: 100ug Catalog: K80102R ATPase (Sodium, Potassium), Dog Kidney Format: Purified Host/Source: Chicken Isotype: N/A Clone: N/A Unit: 1mg Catalog: W59155C Basic Immunoglobulin-like variable motif-containing (BIVM) Format: Monospecific Host/Source: Rabbit Isotype: N/A Clone: N/A Unit: 100ul Catalog: K59250R Bonzo C-terminal Format: Purified Host/Source: Rabbit Isotype: N/A Clone: N/A Unit: 100ug Catalog: K88170R Bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) Format: Biotin Host/Source: Sheep Isotype: N/A Clone: N/A Unit: 0.25mg Catalog: M20105B Bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) Format: Purified Host/Source: Sheep Isotype: N/A Clone: N/A Unit: 0.25mg Catalog: M20105S Caspase 10, C-terminal (FLICE2) Format: Aff.Pur. Host/Source: Rabbit Isotype: N/A Clone: N/A Unit: 100ug Catalog: K88128R Caspase 12, Intermediate Domain Format: Aff.Pur. Host/Source: Rabbit Isotype: N/A Clone: N/A Unit: 100ug Catalog: K88327R Caspase 12, N-terminal Format: Aff.Pur. Host/Source: Rabbit Isotype: N/A Clone: N/A Unit: 100ug Catalog: K88325R Caspase 13 Format: Aff.Pur. Host/Source: Rabbit Isotype: N/A Clone: N/A Unit: 100ug Catalog: K88245R Caspase 3, Human Format: Purified Host/Source: Rabbit Isotype: N/A Clone: N/A Unit: 100ug Catalog: M20855R Caspase 7, Human Format: Purified Host/Source: Rabbit Isotype: N/A Clone: N/A Unit: 100ug Catalog: M20851R Caspase 9 (I16), Intermediate Domain 1 Format: Aff.Pur. Host/Source: Rabbit Isotype: N/A Clone: N/A Unit: 100ug Catalog: K88701R Caspase 9 (I20), Intermediate Domain 2 Format: Aff.Pur. Host/Source: Rabbit Isotype: N/A Clone: N/A Unit: 100ug Catalog: K88073R Caspase 9, Human Format: Purified Host/Source: Rabbit Isotype: N/A Clone: N/A Unit: 100ug Catalog: M20861R cdk9 (PITALRE) 43kDa Format: Neat Host/Source: Rabbit Isotype: N/A Clone: N/A Unit: 100ul Catalog: M59167R cdk9 (PITALRE) 43kDa Format: Neat Host/Source: Rabbit Isotype: N/A Clone: N/A Unit: 100ul Catalog: M59167R Cyclic AMP (cAMP) Format: Neat Host/Source: Rabbit Isotype: N/A Clone: N/A Unit: 20ul Catalog: Q24310R Cyclic AMP (cAMP) Format: Neat Host/Source: Sheep Isotype: N/A Clone: N/A Unit: 0.2ml Catalog: Q55101S Cyclic GMP (cGMP) Format: Neat Host/Source: Sheep Isotype: N/A Clone: N/A Unit: 0.2ml Catalog: Q55102S Cyclic GMP (cGMP) Format: Neat Host/Source: Rabbit Isotype: N/A Clone: N/A Unit: 20ul Catalog: Q24321R Cyclin A Format: Neat Host/Source: Rabbit Isotype: N/A Clone: N/A Unit: 100ul Catalog: M59151R Cyclin B1 Format: Neat Host/Source: Rabbit Isotype: N/A Clone: N/A Unit: 100ul Catalog: M59152R Cyclin cdc2 (p34) Dependent Kinase Format: Neat Host/Source: Rabbit Isotype: N/A Clone: N/A Unit: 100ul Catalog: M59160R Cyclin cdk2 (p34) Dependent Kinase Format: Neat Host/Source: Rabbit Isotype: N/A Clone: N/A Unit: 100ul Catalog: M59161R Cyclin cdk4 (p34) Dependent Kinase Format: Neat Host/Source: Rabbit Isotype: N/A Clone: N/A Unit: 100ul Catalog: K59162R Cyclin cdk5 (p31) Dependent Kinase Format: Neat Host/Source: Rabbit Isotype: N/A Clone: N/A Unit: 100ul Catalog: K59116R Cyclin D1 Format: Neat Host/Source: Rabbit Isotype: N/A Clone: N/A Unit: 100ul Catalog: M59153R Cyclin E Format: Neat Host/Source: Rabbit Isotype: N/A Clone: N/A Unit: 100ul Catalog: M59156R Cyclin T1 Format: Neat Host/Source: Rabbit Isotype: N/A Clone: N/A Unit: 100ul Catalog: M59815R DNA (Double Stranded) (dsDNA) Format: Purified Host/Source: Human Isotype: N/A Clone: N/A Unit: 2ml Catalog: K07112H G protein, beta (W. Blot Grade) Format: Dil.Serum Host/Source: Rabbit Isotype: N/A Clone: N/A Unit: 50ul Catalog: K78986R G protein, beta common (internal sequence) Format: Neat Host/Source: Rabbit Isotype: N/A Clone: N/A Unit: 1ml Catalog: K60003R G protein, G alpha h (Bovine G alpha i-2), C-terminal Format: Neat Host/Source: Rabbit Isotype: N/A Clone: N/A Unit: 1ml Catalog: K60007R G protein, G alpha i-1 (internal sequence) Format: Neat Host/Source: Rabbit Isotype: N/A Clone: N/A Unit: 1ml Catalog: K60002R G protein, G alpha i-3, C-terminal Format: Neat Host/Source: Rabbit Isotype: N/A Clone: N/A Unit: 1ml Catalog: K60005R G protein, G alpha i-3, C-terminal (W. Blot Grade) Format: Dil.Serum Host/Source: Rabbit Isotype: N/A Clone: N/A Unit: 50ul Catalog: K78456R G protein, G alpha i-3, C-terminal (W. Blot Grade) |
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