Human active
Tau Protein, 100 µg
Call for information.
Mouse control slices
Hock C, Konietzko U, Streffer JR, Tracy J, Signorelli A, Muller-Tillmanns B,
Lemke U, Henke K, Moritz E, Garcia E, Wollmer MA, Umbricht D,
de Quervain DJF, Hofmann M, Maddalena A, Papassotiropoulos, Nitsch RM.
"Antibodies against -amyloid slow cognitive decline in Alzheimer's Disease".
Neuron 2003 (May 22) 38: 547 - 554.
een comment van de AD web-site (
"To measure the antibody response, Hock et al. used an assay they had
developed earlier,
which measures the patients serum antibodies directed against
-amyloid in brain slices
of APP-transgenic mice. Called
tissue amyloid plaque immunoreactivity (TAPIR),
this assay correlated better with clinical benefit than did more customary ELISA
measuring the binding of antibodies against synthetic A. Those with the highest
scores also enjoyed the greatest protection from disease progression.
This could mean that functional improvement depends on conformation-specific
that TAPIR is better suited to picking up than ELISA, the authors suggest.
Sections through transgenic Alzheimer mouse brain for histology and
immunohistochemistry, unstained

(Reference #GEN-3701)
vial with 2 brain sections floating, fixed, unstained
Brains of transgenic Alzheimer mice, aged 1.5 -
3 years and bearing numerous amyloid plaques in subiculum, cortex and
hippocampus were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde. 40 mm vibratome coronal
floating sections are ready for histology and for immunohistochemistry
with anti-amyloid or other antibodies. Each vial contains 2 sections
Prestained sections (hematoxylin-eosin, #2 or
anti-amyloid, #3) attached to silane-coated slides are also available.
Other stains (microglia, cresyl violet, …) available on request.
Moechars et al. (1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274, 6483-6492
De Wachter et al. (2000) Exp. Gerontol. 35, 831-841
EuroPrice: 75,00 Euro ($82.50)
Section through transgenic Alzheimer mouse
brain for histology and immunohistochemistry, hematoxylin-eosin stained

(Reference #GEN-3702)
slide with 2 brain sections, hematoxylin-eosin
Brains of transgenic Alzheimer mice, aged 1.5 -
3 years and bearing numerous amyloid plaques in subiculum, cortex and
hippocampus were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde. 40 mm vibratome coronal
floating sections are ready for histology and for immunohistochemistry
with anti-amyloid or other antibodies. Each vial contains 2 sections
Prestained sections (hematoxylin-eosin, #2 or
anti-amyloid, #3) attached to silane-coated slides are also available.
Other stains (microglia, cresyl violet, …) available on request.
Moechars et al. (1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274, 6483-6492
De Wachter et al. (2000) Exp. Gerontol. 35, 831-841
EuroPrice: 100,00 Euro ($110.00)
Section through transgenic Alzheimer mouse
brain for histology and immunohistochemistry, anti-amyloid stained

(Reference #GEN-3703)
slide with 2 brain sections, anti-amyloid stained
Brains of transgenic Alzheimer mice, aged 1.5 -
3 years and bearing numerous amyloid plaques in subiculum, cortex and
hippocampus were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde. 40 mm vibratome coronal
floating sections are ready for histology and for immunohistochemistry
with anti-amyloid or other antibodies. Each vial contains 2 sections
Prestained sections (hematoxylin-eosin, #2 or
anti-amyloid, #3) attached to silane-coated slides are also available.
Other stains (microglia, cresyl violet, …) available on request.
Moechars et al. (1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274, 6483-6492
De Wachter et al. (2000) Exp. Gerontol. 35, 831-841
EuroPrice: 175,00 Euro ($192.50)