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Le NutriTest de m¨¦tabolisme des aliments(Reference #cytochrome) Un test tr¨¨s utile qui vous aidera ¨¤ comprendre votre patrimoine g¨¦n¨¦tique

We assess 7 genes that relate to the following physical aspects within your body.

Skin and hair repair - MTHFR gene
Free radical damage - MnSOD gene
Detoxification - CYP1A1, GSTM1, GSTP1 & GSTT1 genes
Alcohol metabolism - ALDH2 gene

EuroPrice:  €200.00 ($220.00)
Test AlcoGentique(Reference #alcool) Si vous avez des difficult¨¦s ¨¤ boire de l'alcool e test identifiera 3 g¨¨nes en r¨¦lation avec le m¨¦tabolisme de l'alcool.

The genetic test focuses on three genes that are key in enzyme activity related to alcohol. The test identifies the form of the three genes that you have and generates health-related information based upon the known activities of the different forms.

The test is painless and easy to use and can be carried out in your own home. The genes are collected using a buccal swab, which is rubbed on the inside of the cheek. The sample is then posted back to us and your personalised results will be returned with 14 days.

EuroPrice:  €150.00 ($165.00)