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> DNA/RNA purification kits CONCERT LifeTechnologies
High Purity Plasmid Purification Systems
Anion exchange resin purification for highest purity.
Papid Plasmid Purification Systems
Silica membrane technology for convenience and quality.
Gel Extraction Systems
Spin cartridge or matrix technology allows easy gel fragment purification.
Rapid PCR Purification Systems
Purify PCR products quickly and efficiently.
Purification Of Total RNA From Tissue and Cells
Purify RNA from as few as 100 cells up to 10** cells or 200 mg of tissue with hignly reproductible yields (<15% CV) . RNA is highly pure (A260/280 > 2.0) and elutes at high concentration is a small volume.
Both individual mini columns and 96-well plates work with either vacuum or spin protocols.