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GENTAUR > Cell Cultures > Cell Lines

LND1 human melanoma cell line(Reference #amp-112)
Are fullycharacterised for their contents in:
Melanocortin receptor (MC1-R) 

EuroPrice:  €500.00 ($550.00)

LND1 human melanoma cell line

HBL human melanoma cell line(Reference #amp-111)
Are fullycharacterised for their contents in:
Melanocortin receptor (MC1-R)

includes Material Transfer Agreement for Academic use.

Donois E, del Marmol V, Ghanem G, Surleve-Bazeille JE.
Comparison of HPLC and stereologic image analysis for the quantitation of eu- and pheomelanins in nevus cells and stimulated melanoma cells.
J Invest Dermatol. 1998 Sep;111(3):422-8.

Donois E, del Marmol V, Taieb A, Ghanem G, Surleve-Bazeille JE.
Quantification of eumelanin and pheomelanin: stereologic image analysis method. Anal Quant Cytol Histol. 1998 Aug;20(4):275-87.

Donois E, Del Marmol V, Wakamatsu K, Ito S, Ghanem G, Surleve-Bazeille JE.
Comparison of high performance liquid chromatography and stereological image analysis for the quantitation of eumelanins and pheomelanins in melanoma cells. Pigment Cell Res. 1998 Apr;11(2):86-93.

del Marmol V, Ito S, Bouchard B, Libert A, Wakamatsu K, Ghanem G, Solano F.
Cysteine deprivation promotes eumelanogenesis in human melanoma cells.
J Invest Dermatol. 1996 Nov;107(5):698-702.

del Marmol V, Solano F, Sels A, Huez G, Libert A, Lejeune F, Ghanem G.
Glutathione depletion increases tyrosinase activity in human melanoma cells.
J Invest Dermatol. 1993 Dec;101(6):871-4.

del Marmol V, Ito S, Jackson I, Vachtenheim J, Berr P, Ghanem G, Morandini R, Wakamatsu K, Huez G.
TRP-1 expression correlates with eumelanogenesis in human pigment cells in culture. FEBS Lett. 1993 Aug 2;327(3):307-10. 

EuroPrice:  €500.00 ($550.00)

HBL human melanoma cell line